Current Announcements


Determining the Profiles of NEET Youth in Türkiye from a Well-being Perspective and Policy Development Study

The project, supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) 2519 – COST Working Group Support Program (Project No: 222K388), aims to draw a realistic Türkiye-specific profile of young people aged 15-24 with NEET status based on the well-being of young people through a multi-method research.

For further details visit here.

TurkuazLab - Strategies and Tools for Mitigating Polarization in Turkey Project

The TurkuazLab Project aims to raise awareness in Turkish society about polarization and the harm it is doing and to equip Turkish civil society, academia, media, and political parties with strategies and tools for mitigating polarization to contribute to a new ecosystem in Turkey with the prevalence of human rights, social harmony, and respect to others.

For further details visit


Overcoming Infodemic During and Beyond COVID-19: Development of An Online Tool

The project aims to contribute to civic engagement, transparency, accountability and media literacy through the development of a sustainable online training tool to increase Turkish society's capacity of fact-checking in various forms of misinformation and knowledge about the COVID-19. 

For further details visit 


MATILDE Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Regions

Funded under H2020, the research project MATILDE, coordinated by the Institute for Regional Development of Eurac Research (Bolzano/Bozen), along with a diverse group of partners, aims to understand the true development potential migration carries, with a specific focus on rural and mountain regions. For further information