International Seminar: Refugees in the Global Society

Organizers: ICMS, Netherland Consulate of Istanbul and IBÜ Centre for Migration


13 March 2003

Openning Speeches: Kevin B. Quigley, Regional Director of International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), Turkey

Theo Siedenburg, Consul, Netherlands Kingdom, Consulae General

Serim Timur, Director, IBÜ Centre for Migration

Slight Show: "Refugee Project"

Bikem Ekberzade - journalist

Presentation: "Evolution of the Resolution of Refugee Problem"

Prof. Barbara Harrell-Bond, Representative Director, Centre for Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, American University of Cairo

Commentary: "Refugees: Turkey and Turning Points"

Steven Corliss, Turkey Representative of UNHCR

Presentation: Mülteci Olmak- Simegn Fentaw

1st. Session: "Conditions of the Vulnerable Groups"

Isil Tokcan, Assistan Legal Officer, UNHCR Turkey, Gender and Children

Hassina Sherjan, Director General, Afghanistan Libre, Education of Children in Afghanistan

Serra Akkaya, Psychologist, Psychological Impacts of Refuge Experience

Kültegin Ögel, Psychiatrist, Psycho-social Impact of Refuge Experience

2nd Session: "Turkey and Refugees"

Kadir Ay, Bureau of Foreigners and Asylum Seekers

Kemal Kirisçi, Professor, Bogaziçi University Department of Political Science and International Relations

Ahmet Içduygu, Assoc. Prof. Dr, Bilkent University Department of Political Science and Public Administration

3rd. Session: "Intervention in a Special Refugee Flow" - Refugees Rushing to Turkey in 1991"

Mithat Bereket, NTV Television

Ahmet Güder, Assistant Professional of Durable Solutions, UNHCR Turkey

"Intervention in a Special Refugee Flow"

Steven Corliss, Assistan Representative of UNHCR Turkey

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Red Crescent, Turkey

Kelemu Yitbarek, Unit of Preperation for Catastrophe, Federation of International Red Cross and Red Crescent Associationss (IFRC)

Prof. Barbara Harrel-Bond, Vice Director, Centre for Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, American University of Cairo

Reception/ Istanbul Bilgi University

14 March 2003

Presentation: "UNHCR; Tarih ve Rol"- Isil Tokcan, Assistant Officer, UNHCR Turkey

4th Session: "Durable Solutions: Refugee Settlement, Local Integration&Voluntary Return to Home Land"

Ahmet Güder, Assistan Professional of Durable Solutions UNHCR Turkey



Bruce Grundison, First Secretary/Migration, Canada Embassy

Robin Brick, First Secretary/Migration, Australia Embassy

5th. Session: "NGOs Working on Refugees and the Best Practices"

ICMC Sermin Kagan, Director, Foundation of Turkey Education Volunteers (TEGV)

Demet Güral, Director General, Human Resources Development Foundation (HRDF)

Taner Kiliç, Coordinator of Refugees, International Amnesty Organization (AI)

Research Presentations:

Tülay Alim Baran, Istanbul Bilgi University, "Case Study: 1982 Afghan Refugees in Malatya"

Zümray Kutlu, "Turkey, the Waiting Room: Experiences of the Refugees in Turkey"

Discussion groups

Health (Physical/ Psychological)

Emergency Situations

Women under Risk



Concluding Remarks